الأحد، 9 أكتوبر 2011

ممثله امريكيه تعتنق الاسلام

4. NBC WHY 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually

News tremendous

Studies and global and local statistics documented about the consequences of mixing

Mixing is the greatest causes of rampant immorality and sexual harassment, extortion and oppression of women, as proven by the facts, statistics and documented studies. Not only the risk to non-Muslims or non-conservative, but that his temptation of the great temptation for all human beings and therefore forbidden by God to the best and purest of human beings in the best of the purest and the best spots at the meeting, and be clean.

Has initiated the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him separate the men (companions pure) for women (Sahaabah pure) in prayer in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah urged to stay away as much as possible for fear of sedition:

"The best rows for men are the latest and the worst and the best rows for women are the worst in the first" Narrated by Muslim

Even in seeking knowledge from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him did mixes of men and women:

"The women said to the Prophet peace be upon him: Gbanna you men, so make us one day by yourself, Vuadhen days to Ekayan it, preached to them and ordered them" Bukhari

"I went out with the Prophet peace be upon him, or become a day of Fitr, prayed, and speeches, and then came to women, preached to them and reminded them and ordered them to give charity." Bukhari

Not only this, but keen Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to close all the roads that lead to mixing and started a special section for women, he said: "If we left this section for women," Narrated by Abu Dawood, of 462 horses.

He urged the women to pray in their homes, he said:
"Have learned and praying in your house is better than praying in your room and praying in your house is better than praying in your house and praying in your house is better than praying in the mosque of your people and praying in the mosque of your people is better than praying in a mosque in the group"

And if the peace prayer of staying in place easy. Ibn Shihab said, we believe, and to carry out God knows who is going out of women. Umm Salamah said: "He recognizes it means the women Vidkhaln home to go out by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him." Bukhari

If the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him may prevent this mixing transit and cleanse the nation in the house of God, who meets with the believers who fear for the worship of the purer and purer case prevented him from provoking lust with the full veil in a public place open to the people is not known when men women, do not dare to talk with them, how to mix permanent work and study among the same people for hours a day, in closed spaces, where sits the man of his colleague and offset more than to see him to his wife, in addition to the possibility of privacy, and sexual exploitation for bonuses and promotions, and stay on the job of those who say religion and honesty and modesty, and just waiting opportunities for seduction, exploitation and strife!

All countries of the world suffer the consequences of mixing and tragedies are commensurate with the spread of the mixing, as studies have shown, statistics and Alobaralamothagh. The Forum is committed to suspicions and a statement at the news of martyrdom or facts or statistics mentioning the sources saying. Unlike all the forums and other web sites, our approach and Dwabtna in this forum require what counts is the original source of the news if the news from the West, it would be from Western sources considered to have. Significant efforts have been made to this forum for many years to get the statistics and documented information on this and other do not exist in any other site:

Sexual harassment in the West

- U.S. Department of Defense: 78% of women had experienced sexual harassment from their colleagues!
Source: Ministry of America (Veterans Affairs)

- U.S. Department of Education: 4.5 million sexually harass them in schools in America.
U.S. Department of Education:

- In America - 70% of nurses are subjected to sexual harassment from work colleagues and patients.
Source: National Institutes of Health under the Ministry of Health of America:
Sexual harassment of female registered nurses in hospitals.

ABC News / Arab Net: 13% of students in a school, "Ohio" pregnant

Sexual harassment in other countries
As much of an impact in other countries when the West is to remove barriers to mixing with men and women were suffering

Arab Net: shortening the hope of upgrading clothing - 74% of workers harassing them in Iraq

Kuwait Times: daily harassment of nurses:

Kuwait Times: 40% of employees in Kuwait were subjected to sexual harassment

In Turkey: 75% of nurses are subjected to sexual harassment of doctors and patients and relatives of patients and others
Source: National Institutes of Health under the Ministry of Health of America:
Sexual harassment of female nurses in a hospital in Turkey.

In Taiwan: 57% of nurses are subjected to sexual harassment.
Source: National Institutes of Health under the Ministry of Health of America:
Nurses confronting sexual harassment in the medical environment.

Arab Net: 70% of workers are subjected to harassment in Pakistan

City Journal: 35% of employees have been subjected to harassment

Economic: employees come forward for human rights complaints of sexual harassment from their colleagues and customers

Arab Net: Claims for members of the Shura Council because of harassment Batabibat

Al-Watan: harassment of female employees the hospital - "smile Hevc Auajjaaa":


Journal Gazette: Confidential report reveals the phenomenon of harassment and lack of specialization in Taif

Riyadh: company employs citizens in a night club vice

Algeria: A quarter of university students have been subjected to harassment by professors

City Journal: Study confirms that the issues of extortion are often mixed in the workplace:

Al-Watan: Doctors who refuse to join the married nurses:


Arab Net: collective harassment incident at the University of Egypt because of the mixing:

Other consequences of the terrible mixing of
STDs - immorality - marital infidelity - the sons of adultery - Abortion

In America more than 65 million people are infected with sexually transmitted diseases can not be cured.
Source: CNN, the U.S. Centers for governmental control of the disease:

- Americans are more people on the planet betray their partners (promiscuous).
. 42% of Britons admitted to having a relationship with more than one person at the same time, while half of Americans live illicit relations. And the ratio of 38% in Italy and in France 36%
Source: BBC BBC:

Government of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control: The average number of women living with a man the U.S. is seven sexual relations with women, but 29% of men had had sexual relations with more than 15 women in their lives:
Source: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ad/ad384.pdf

Mirror - increased rates of illegitimate pregnancy in the British Forces soldiers

In America alone abortion kills more than a million children a year!!
Source: U.S. Centers for governmental control of the disease: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5511a1.htm

The U.S. Department of Health: In the United States of America the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the Western industrialized world. Teenage pregnancy costs the United States at least $ 7 billion annually. Approximately 800 000 girls become pregnant each year illegally.

In the states of Botswana and Swaziland, the percentage of people with AIDS is 40% (about half of the population). Source: World Health Organization

The average Alamrand death in Botswana only 33 years old and the number of the population is decreasing, and all this because of the spread of AIDS through the immorality rampant in the population of Christians and pagans.

These are some of the consequences of worldly and otherwise, hell, mixing Sasalina the spread of immorality, the destruction of families and children of adultery and divorce, and the large increase of spinsterhood to dispense with young Balfoahac about marriage ....

Began to wake up ..

New York Times: The spread of schools in America is mixed:
Administration of U.S. President open the door wide for public schools to increase the classrooms and schools is mixed. The number of completely segregated schools for boys or girls from 3 schools in 1995 to 241 in 2006.

Middle East: the separation of men from the women on trains in Japan with the growing phenomenon of sexual harassment

CNN: women-only buses in Mexico because of sexual harassment:
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/11/wo...3aa&ei=5087% 0A

Arab Net: Bus, "for women only" in Dubai for protection from harassment

BBC: "Women's vehicles" anti-harassment trains Indonesia

What is the solution then?

A group of women need to work (poor - not married - divorced - widowed - or any woman who has the ability and leisure), we must recognize these needs do not close our eyes to them and should feel Bmaanathen and we must strive to find solutions to the approval of the prescribed for her ... Tdtrhen not even need to Istagdin people or working in jobs is mixed disciplined teachings of Islam.

He called many of the Jealous God on the Back to provide suitable work for women without the mixing of men and their exploitation: